

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

1st trip in Gr.8~



to_m0rrow ~~
I'll go with my friends to _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~ ^u^

PS : T^T... * HIcks.. Gakupo can't come T^T.... that's sad..~

__________O yeah!
I forgot to tell ya tHizzzzz~~
Miku : 12enma12
Rin : sakurin
Teto : _ _ _ _ _ _
Luka : _ _ _ _
Gakupo : Kanransha_IKP

these R the one @ my school~
not the net Version~
I'm gonna learn how to use Sony Vegas Pro 0.9 Movie Editor, and when I have time, I'll make the net bersion 1~! ^.- ~

A kiss for/to my Prince

~!! OMG!! I want Shion!!! x3!!!
and Anne is sooo lucky *o*...
Y can't I have an anime life !?!?!? T^T... *Hicks*Sob,,,
listen to "Doki Doki Waku Waku" song an try this lyrics I made~! ^0^~!!

HONEYS' FANS version ::

I was watching an anime as usual
but there was something different in it
I found a really cute boy with rabbit
and he is called honey-senpai!!
I just can't help myself
I just can't hold it back!
No matter how hard I tried is just so hard!
So if you are one of honeys' fans
you should click that, "Like" button!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hey Hey! it's a Water Bottle Game! ^.- ~!

How this game was invented ::
A 14 years old girl was looking around her room, and she founds LOTS of water bottle....
She become mad and started screaming to the others..........
Until one day when she sees her sister and her cousins laughing together while watching something.......


She figured out a way to reduce water loss~!!
It's the "Water Bottle Game!"
Items needed :
-Water bottle


How to play ?
-Do paper-rock-scissor (not 2 by 2, ALL TOGETHER until you'll find a loser(s))
-The loser(s) should drink a glass of water :
She/he will have 5seconds only
-Write her/his name on the paper and write a point.
-continue doing that.

How will it end ?
Game will end when the water is finish.

How do we know who is the winner ?
The one with least point will win.

!!!!!!! O yeah!
-When somebody has gained 3/5points, that person's time will be reduce to.... 3seconds only.
-If somebody can't finish the water in 5seconds, that person's time will be added to.....
8/10 seconds.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoy the game~~ ^u^


O yeah!
I forgot to tell you this....
I had my bedcover changed~~~ x3!!!
いまのつぃっむは。。。。。ばるびです!!!! x3!!!

and BTW~
these are my dolls name :::

-Janoona (the purple bear)
-Bearry (the white small bear)
-じごく -- Jigoku (Enma ai's doll>>>HANDMADE!~! x3!!!)
-Mbeeeeeeeek (the sheep)
-Teddy (Mr.Bean's bear ~! I wuv Mr.Bean! xD!!!)
-Minnie (mouse~~Mickey's girlfriend)
-Tigery (the lion)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^u^~~~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Micr-waveD pasTA ?!?!?!


....I was hungry ....
and my stomach ordered pasta.... so.........
I go to the kitchen
and I took :::

1 plastic of Ditalini (a kind of pasta)
1 bottle of tomato ketchup
2 slices of cheese

2 microwavable bowl
a spoon
a filter
hot water


1st I moicrowave th Ditalini fr 2mt, add some hot water, wicrowave it again for 2mt and 45seconds~~~
and then....

2nd : put one cheese and a bit of tomato ketchup on the other bowl, filter the microwaved pasta to this bowl (the one thats now filled with ketchup & cheese), put another slice of cheese on it, and then microwave it again for 50seconds (till the cheese (the one on the surface/top) melt)

3rd: take it out,
dig your spoon into it and let your hand move to its destination ~!


I ate it It taste yumYum for such a fast pasta in only approcimately 8mt~! x3!!!

I hope this recipe helps your grumbling stomach~! ^.- ~!

PS : IDK is this healthy or not, but of course~! microwaved food Rn't healthy,
so pls don't blame me if U R sick~~~ I'm out off it~~~ ;P~~~ <<< but~~ I ate it, thx god, nothing happen to me, hope U'll be OK too~~


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


(from left to right OR up to down~~)


1 :
I asked sakura1jussy (check on youtube) to be my model~~~
and she was like OK~ <<< but I have to let er use the pic. for her youtube account~~~

here is one of the pic.~~~ ^u^


2: x3!!! Yay~~~ I've collected 111 brands' labels from mine + my friends water bottles ~~~ @A,H, L, N.A, S, N, S, E, F - thankyou for your support ^u^ ___ @Jussy - thx for helping ^u^


3: I made an anime drawing out of wood ~~~ <<< its my first time burning woods BTW~ x3!!!

you can find more pic. of my art works / drawing



Monday, October 18, 2010

HW*Quiz~~ >.<~~ J'ai mal à la tête~~! %.%

this is my 1st post after the Summer Vacation~~~
x3!!! I wuv the summer Vacation (I'll make some post bout it~ ^u^, when I have time~)

NOw.... Boring School Days has started....
piles of HW & quizzes keep chasing me.....
I have nowhere to run....
the only thing I could do is....
ファいっと!! >>fight!!<<
~~ ^u^

Today I'll have to do :
-Grammar Homework
-Literature Homework
-Physics Homework
-Copy the previous classwork >>> ^.^~~ << cuz I forgot my wordbook ^.^"
-Change my math COpy Book>> cuz teacher told me too~ ;P~
-Study Vocabulary quiz
-Teach my Sist. English
-Check FBs' notifications~
-Reply some comments on Utube~
-Watch Yumeiro Patissiere Professional 3
-Updating my Twitter
-...the rest for tomorrow~~

T^T... *Hicks... Thats it~~ >> OMG! A lot %.%~~
BUt I will do My best in alllllllll of them ~! ^0^~~!

PS : O yeah!
I am making Vocaloid group (this 1 is for students in my school only ^.^")
if I have some spare times, I'll try to make one (on net~) ^u^ <<< たのしみください!^0^
(PLs look forward to it~! ^0^~)

See ya on the next post....~~~ <<< of course in my spare time~ ^u^

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Manga Fox: Gakuen Alice Manga Series

Manga Fox: Gakuen Alice Manga Series




for alllllllll Gakue Alice fans!!!! the new CH. is out!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sneakers or sandals?

hey hey!!
this is the 3rd time for this Q. xD!!! >>> S4nd4lS

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

When was the last time you received flowers?

nvr %.%

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

"I Never Had a Dream Come True" T^T....

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Who's the most famous person you've met?

Afgan <<< he is a singer ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Sneakers or sandals?

..... sandals~!

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Who's the most underrated athlete?

?.? underrated... ?

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?

Anton88~~ its a seafood rest.~ ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Do you believe in life after death?


Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

Cendrillon, cuz there is 4 ver. of it xD!!!

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

How would you describe your style?

unique ^.-~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampire ~~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

BaRbiE~ ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

few years ago, there was a lots of it, and IDK what happened all of them just.... like went erased ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What was the best concert you went to?

I nvr go 2 concert ^.^"

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

PiZza Hut~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

2days in winter~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

the concert of Otaku Convention~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

when I was in Gr.5 I took a part time job w/ My Dad's friend, My job was easy, it was to promote a sticker label name only~~
and I got 30% from each sticker label I sell~ ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What's your favorite movie quote?

?.? movie quote ?.?


"GO die!" <<< from Special A << anime~~

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

its~~ JAIL on Trans Tv @ Indonesia, its like pPl doing Pranks stuffs you know ?
its soooo Hillarious!! xD!!!

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

"Why did you create this world?"

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?

Harry Potter ?.? xD!!

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

no1, cuz I don't want to bother anynody ^u^

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?


Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?


Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

If you could master one skill what would it be?

Figure Skating ?.?

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

there is this somebody that always cheer me when I am down ^u^
PS : thx >>> for that person

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<

Do you believe in luck?

yes~ 6u6

Feel free to ask, but, Q. with some privacy A. in it.... won't be answer.... %.% <<< sorry.... >.<