I have 100SUBS!!!
So, yesterday morning,
I was on Skype, and was chatting with bobobobobobobo091 ~~
and my status was "99Subs!!"
okay, then,
after few minutes after I updated my status.....
"you have 100subscribers"bobobobobobobo091 said.
I was like, "O.O?? I'm sorry?"
bobobobobobobo091, "check your channel".
me, "BRB".
~~~~~~~~so then I went and check my channel and it was about 1AM,
and I was like OMG!!!!! 100!!! 100!!! >0~~~~~~Okay, and the 100th subscriber iiiiiis~~!!
Thank You for making me shock at midnight LOL xD!!!
and thank you for subscribing me *hug all my subscribers*
O3O~~ my first english dub I blv O3O~~
and yes, I know,
I added to many effects *SHOT*