Waaaaaaaaaa!!! >w
-TinierMe diary
search for 12enma12 ~~
O yeah!! BTW, I made a page on FB :::
and guys,
I am soooo sorry that I am not that updated on Blogger
I feel sooo wrong, I am so sorry guys......
ok andddddddddddddd
Aldi + Yara~! U guys were the 1st who said Happy B'day to me~! =D
thx~~!! thx 2 both of ya + to aaaaaaaaaaaaaall others~!!
and OMG!!! I am nearly getting to 100 subscribers... o.O!! I have never thought of having 50+ subscribers b4!!! and, OMG, this is just too cool to be true!!! but still wuv it~! =3 thAnkyouuuuuu!!!
BTW~~~ do U know ??
that in chinese tradition U have to eat looooooooong noodle + red eggs for Ur b'day~?
see, I took some pic. of red eggs up there =3
and yeah~~~~~
here is my gift For U guys :::
here is the mp3 ::
and, I am going to share some pic. of my gifts on the FB page >but only the drawings gift ^.^"...<~~
nowwwwwwwww I need to reply notifS + take shower, eat, study =3
see ya~! =3
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