WOW?? Where do I begin... it's been a WHILE !! TwT!!!
Let me be honest, at some point I totally forgot I had a blogspot? I mean, to be fair I made this back in two thousand. something.... ?? 2010?? or even earlier than that XD **I think back when formspring was a thing and YouTube & Ig wasn't big yet LOL* Anywayyyy, it's really nice to be able to log back in and type here again~
September 2022
I have to be honest, I amsad .
Yep, you heard me right ;_;"
September 2022
I have to be honest, I am
Yep, you heard me right ;_;"
So, July 2022 - August 2022 I was finally back home and visited my friends and family in Asia. I wasn't able to meet everybody obviously, because everyone is in diff countries etc., but I was able to meet those in Jakarta. Wait, do you even know where I am right now xD? ?
Wow... we have SO MUCH to catch-up on.
Wow... we have SO MUCH to catch-up on.
So... I finished University back in 2019, did you know I studied in the USA?! THE U.S.A.
It's sooooooooooo crazy to think that I went there to study? ?? ++ I got a scholarship too~
um... but then, in 2020 there was a big outbreak for a virus called "COVID 19" A.K.A. Corona Virus ..
And then the WHOLE WORLD was on lockdown... countries shutdown their borders etc., like swineflu was nothing compared to this basically. So, since 2020 the pandemic started and a lot of travel ban and new regulations happen. You know in Avatar when they said, "Everything changes when the fire nation attacked" ? Yup, in a way I guess you could say that COVID is the fire nation.
Anyway back to today, um... yeah so... um... I'm not sure how to break this to you but back in 2020 I got hospitalized. yep. and they poke and probed me every single day because nobody knew why I came in with a tachycardia to the emergency room **this is still in USA BTW* . Hundreds of blood drawn test tubes later, they finally diagnosed me with an auto-immune condition called Hyperthyroidism aahhhhh~ and I basically lost my mind.
Well, let me explain first... around a month before this ^ I went on like a "celery juice" morning drink phase and workout more often w/ ring fit **yeah, Nintendo Gameboy is no moreee XD it's Nintendo Switch now!!**also phones have front facing camera and touchscreen is the trend now o.O wilddd* so.. well, I lost like almost 10kg in about a month OwO"
I really thought that it was bcs of the juice LOL but turns out, it was bcs of my throid situatioon ;;_;; and bcs it was so crazy **my hormones* I had to take strong hormone meds that make me gain weight T_T so yeah that's why I lost my mind because do I...
A) Take the meds and gain weight?
B) Don't take the meds and stay in the thyroid storm situation??
;.; I know you probably think I'm crazy for losing my mind over this but.. well I worked so hard to try and lose the weight and then to just hear that something out of my control is gonna dictate my weight is making me just... just yeah ;;;_;;; ....
"B" is not an option bcs my Doctors made sure I was taking them
\\\\ Eversince then I had to go get my blood drawn every month for routine checkup\\\\
So because I have this^ autoimmune condition, before the vaccine was invented, my Doctors told me I couldn't travel... and yeah, so many other things going on too but then I didn't go travel in Summer 2020... and Summer 2021 so... Summer 2022 was the first time I ever came back to Indonesia sine the whole pandemic situation happened.
Which brings me back to what I said...
I'm sad
Two months was definitely not enough time to see everybody and hangout with everyone :(
Hey, but at least I got to see them this Summer right?
T_T I miss Indonesia
Hey, but at least I got to see them this Summer right?
T_T I miss Indonesia
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